Header EACS Parent Access
East Allen County Schools (EACS) offers parents and legal guardians access to their child's data. Parents can view student schedules, complete lunch applications for assistance, view attendance record and disciplinary incidents, view transcript data and standardized test scores, update emergency contact information, view immunization record, view lunch account balances and pay textbook fees. Activation codes may be obtained from the school. Instructions on how to set up your new Parent Access account can be found under "Parents" then selecting "Set Up Parent Access Account" from within the EACS main website.

Parent Access will no longer be available as of June 29. Watch for upcoming announcements for our new system
for School Year 20/21 via the East Allen County School web page.

  Forgot your password?
  Forgot your user name?
Parent Access is unavailable at this time due to a scheduled outage. Please try again later.
If you do not have a user name and password, you can use your activation code to create a new account here. If you have more than one activation code, you may enter them after you create your account.
Be sure to type your Activation Code EXACTLY as it appears.
Activation Code
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